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19 May 2022
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Throughout the Spring Term, the Lower Fifth had been working on their designs for a t-shirt to (hypothetically) sell in order to raise awareness for their chosen charities.
Last week, the pupils showcased their hard work and creativity to their peers, presenting why they chose their charity, and the idea and design behind their t-shirts. The teams had to consider how they would sell their t-shirts, the types of marketing they would implement, how much money they'd be aiming to raise, and what the money would be spent on.
The project was a brilliant opportunity for pupils to develop their teamwork, research, creative, presentation, communication and project management skills whilst increasing awareness of the local community and charitable activities in the area.
All the pupils did extremely well presenting their designs and projects to the rest of their peers, and came up with some catchy slogans including 'Shirts for Shelters', 'Quench your thirst and buy a shirt' and 'Compassionate Care from St Clare'. Their chosen charities were:
Alliott – Animal Rescue Charity
Benson – Wiggly Willow Cafe
Collett – St Elizabeth's
Hayward – Bishop's Stortford Food Bank
Rowe – Thirst Cafe
Robert Pearce – Holy Trinity Winter Night Shelter
Sutton – Grove Cottage
Tee – Mutts in Distress
Trotman – St Clare's Hospice
Young – Edie's Butterfly Appeal
Pupils scored each of their respective Houses for their presentations, designs and overall campaigns to determine the winner and which charities would be receiving the donations from the Higher Education & Careers Department.
Congratulations to Rowe House who were declared the winners and will receive £75 for the Thirst Cafe and runners-up Young House who will receive £25 for Edie's Butterfly Appeal.